‘300’ KETTLEBELL ROUTINE by Rob Beauchamp

Recently there has been an explosion of interest with ‘300’ (repetitions) and ‘Spartan’ type training across the internet, a great marketing ploy with people ‘riding the wave’ of association with the film ‘300’ that has become synonymous with very impressive athletic, functional physiques.

• As ever there is a lot of hype and misunderstanding out there, please go to the Gym Jones site (the guys who actually trained the cast and crew for ‘300’) for the genuine information – you will be enlightened by these physical conditioners but not surprised at the unethical behaviour of others who see nothing but dollar signs in selling hype to hopeful trainees.

Giant Circuits
There is nothing magical about ‘300’ rep training; as ever the ‘magic’ is in the effort required to complete all 300 reps. Such Giant Circuits as the ‘300 Spartan Kettlebell Workout’ are nothing new and are discussed in our book ‘The ’ (page 135-136) first published in 2006. There are another 70+ kettlebell specific training methods also illustrated in our book, so we will not charge you another penny for this further example of a Giant Circuit in Table 1 below, one performed by myself (Rob Beauchamp) on Mon 09 Feb 09, which took less than 15 minutes to complete. The kettlebell training was followed by a Tyre Flip, spring and jump session and concluded with four core exercises using the Power Wheel.

The principal of Giant Circuits is to organise the exercises into an order that allows one to ‘flow’ naturally into the next (Rolling Circuit Method), which will require a repertoire of exercises, some imagination and may require more complex changeovers e.g. behind-the-back or through-the-leg pass.

Any highly demanding exercises can either be grouped together or interspersed throughout the circuit, but remember that the abiding aim of a Giant Circuit is to complete it without a rest i.e. the kettlebell remains in the hand from the first repetition to the 300th. Remember, you will need some easier exercises within a Giant Circuit, be those isolation type movements e.g. Halo or Curl or less demanding compound exercises e.g. clean.

Kettlebell Exercise
Exercise Repetitions
Total Repetitions
2. Good Morning

pg 147 (stretch)

pg 182 (SLD)

3. Rolling Squate
pg 188
4. Side Lunge
pg 183
10/ side
5. Around Body Pass
pg 60
10/ side
6. Diaggonal Snatch
pg 174
10/ side
7. Side Press
pg 202
10/ side
8. One Arm Swing Snatch with Turkish get up

pg 172

pg 190

10/ side
9. One Arm Swing Pull-in
pg 165
10/ side
10. Swing Snatch
pg 172
10/ side
11. Swing Clean and Press

pg 169

pg 195

10/ side
12. Wind Up-Clean
pg 169
10/ side
13. Full Squate with Push Press

pg 188

pg 176

10/ side
14. Reverse Lunge with Press

pg 183

pg 195

10/ side
15. Russian Twist
pg 65
10/ side

*1 TKB = `The `

*2 SLD = Stiff-leg Deadlift (See Good Morning Text)

Here are the descriptions for those less known kettlebell exercises:

1. Standing with the kettlebell at the chest, held in both hands by the horns in the ‘bottom’s up’ position i.e. the base of the kettlebell is uppermost.
2. Keeping both hands on the horns take the kettlebell over one shoulder, then around behind the head, over the opposite shoulder and back to the start position.
3. The arms will brush the top of the head (one back the other forwards) as the kettlebell circumnavigates the head.
4. After completing the reps in one direction, perform in the opposite direction.

Good Morning
1. From the Halo start/finish position press the kettlebell overhead and place the bell gently in the nape of the neck, retain hold of the horns with both hands – like carrying a sack of coal.
2. Keep the legs straight but the knees slightly unlocked.
3. Lift the chest in order to set the lower back and maintain Total Body Tension (TKB: pg: 53).
4. Hinge at the hips taking the torso forward – not sitting back with the hips.
5. Lower as far as current flexibility allows but aim to improve.
6. Pull the torso upright using the Hamstrings.
7. Note: A round back Good Morning can be performed for those who have no previous lower back injury and who need ‘round back’ strength i.e. Judo, Jiu Jitsu, Russian Sambo and other ‘grappling’ combat sports.
8. Note: The Stiff-leg Deadlift can be performed as an easier or more comfortable alternative to the Good Morning, using either the Single-leg or Conventional variants.

Side Lunge
1. Stand in a wide stance with the kettlebell held by the horns at waist height.
2. Shift the weight towards one leg, sit back into a single-leg squat as deep as flexibility allows.
3. Keep the opposite leg locked to perform a Hamstring/Adductor stretch.
4. Recover and perform to the opposite side, alternating the working leg with each repetition.

One-arm Swing Snatch with Turkish Get-Up
1. Perform a One-arm Swing Snatch, holding the Snatch at the top.
2. Reverse down into a Turkish Get Up.
3. Perform the next Swing Snatch-TGU, complete all repetitions on one arm before performing a hand-to-hand pass change over to the opposite arm.

One-arm Swing High Pull
1. Perform a Single-arm Swing.
2. As the kettlebell approaches shoulder height vigorously pull the kettlebell into the shoulder.
3. Drive the kettlebell away and down into the next Swing.

Wind-up Clean
1. From the UKKA Rack position (arm across the chest) turn the torso and throw the kettlebell to the outside.
2. Allow the kettlebell to swing in a circle following it by turning the torso with the kettlebell.
3. Roll the kettlebell back onto the forearm (into the correct Rack position) prior to the next Clean.

Reverse Lunge with Press
1. Standing with the kettlebell in the UKKA Rack position.
2. Step backwards with the leg opposite to the kettlebell working arm.
3. Press the kettlebell as the body sinks into a deep Lunge.
4. Recover to the standing position either in a single or double movement.
5. Repeat for all the repetitions on the same side.

1. Hand-to-hand Pass: TKB pg 221
2. Through-leg (Spin): TKB pg 225

Giant Exercises and Circuits are a great way to train with kettlebells, particularly if you are short of time and need an interesting, challenging, non-repetitive, ‘all-in-one’ workout incorporating multiple planes of movement. These types of circuit are becoming more abundant, especially in the mixed martial arts arena with people charging $50.00 (+S&H) for a DVD set to explain what is really only a list of exercises and a very simple form of circuit training!

So, do yourself a favour – educate yourself, with ‘The ’ and stop being extorted by these people. Designing fitness programmes and training sessions is not ‘rocket science’ – people just like to make out it is! All you need to know on any kettlebell training subject is contained within ‘The ’ – your one-stop, cradle-to-grave kettlebell training compendium.


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