Here just a few things you are saying about us....

just a quick note to say I received the equipment.Really impressed with the workmanship and quality - superb.
The shot loaded dumbell looks and feels great to use, whilst the multi grip piece and multi hub reallly have added to my pinching and overall grip strength training (and fun to boot).
Thanks again for the advice on equipment/training and the time you spent making sure I got what I was looking for.Great service.
Please note : this is an unsolicited letter - the equipment is truly top notch and made by a lifter for lifters.Highly recomended - great qualityand great service.

Dave Vass

Hi Stan

Just received the bible it makes an excellent addition to the kettlebells I have off you, and it's a great tool for any bodies needs.
I will be ordering some larger bells of you soon.

Jimmy Siddall


Sue & Stan,

My kettlebell was waiting for me when I got home late last night after my work xmas 'do', which was a great surprise, especially the day after I sent you my email.

The delivery man had got our neighbour to sign for the delivery, and had left a note saying he was sorry he had to leave it in our porch but couldn't take it back to the depot because "it was damaging the van". Stan's kettlebells are so cool.

Thanks again,



I’ve been training with Kettlebells and bear clubs for around 3 months now, having bought an instructional DVD to get me started. A muscular imbalance in my shoulder which has prevented me from training with traditional weights is unaffected and seems to be correcting itself, and my general strength and cardio capabilities have greatly improved. I’ve also burnt off the fat I gained whilst unable to train due to the aforementioned shoulder injury… Stan and Sue have been nothing but helpful and reliable. Intense Fitness is a service that deserves to succeed.

Mark Shaw

Director - Proactive Personal Training Services

Hi Stan,
Just thought I'd write you a little something for your
testimonial page. An excellent and friendly service,
with the Kettlebells arriving very quickly - although
the delivery man wasn't impressed with carrying the
25kg kb to my door, and was even more miffed when it
came to the 32kg kb. He didn't mind the 16kg !
Superb quality, with a smooth finish. My mother has
them acting as ornaments in the lounge.
The DVD is super. I have tried some of the routines
demonstrated by Stan and his wife Sue, and am
surprised how quickly you get completely knackered !
As Stan says at the beginning of the DVD - Kettlebell
training is unlike anything you have done before. And
I must say - Stan, you are a strong bloke !
I am looking forward to spending a lot more time with
my new friends, and will keep you up to speed with my
Once again, many thanks to you both (Stan and Sue) for
an excellent service, and superb quality items.
Paul Messenger


just wanted to write and say a big thankyou for the kettlebells I ordered.
Its often hard to get specialist objects like these in the UK that are good
quality but you have sorted that problem. The cast is absolutly fantastic,
and ten times better then the other kbs of mine. These things are going to
be around long after I am gone. I am slowly spreading the word on KB
training and whenever people ask where to get them from theres only one name
I use....and it aint Russian!

Thanks for the advice about interval training with swings. I tried it the
other day and it did the job nicely. I'm going to be mixing light swings
with heavy swings also and see how I get on.

All the best to you and your familly for the future.




Received my kettlebell championship set this morning finally after missing the delivery man twice,but it was well worth the wait,they are brilliant a work of art,and i even like the colour being an everton fan blue is just prefect,thank so much for the great service and excellent product,will order something else when i have some more money!
if you want to see them in action log onto the gripboard and look under the Wirral boys we put pictures and video of our training,these kettlebells will now make our workouts more extreme!thanks again best wishes to you and your family!
Maxwell Thompson from the Wirral.


Recieved dvd saturday and kb this morning. they are fabulous - a real handcrafted looking piece of equipment and alot smaller and compact than the big black ones you get.

many thanks


Hello Stan

Firstly my friend and training partner Maxwell Thompson recently received a championship set of kbs from your good self,what beauties in a good primitive sort of way lol.

the craftsmanship is second to none and how many things can you buy that will truely last a liftime for a modest ammount.

They have already been well and truely cristened lol.
All the best..............Gary(Gazza)Hunt.


I received the kettlebell yesterday, I thought I would drop you a note
to let you know.

Having looked at the kettlebell, I was impressed as to the quality of
the item and the colour of the ball part of the bell, do you have colour
coding according to weight? This could also double as an ornament given
the quality of the finish! The handle in particular is a good fit in
the hand and all the rough edges removed giving a smooth rotation in the

Naturally some practice swings followed which served to remind how good
kettlebell training is, both in results and feel of the movements. Both
myself and my instructor and friend were impressed with this and the way
the kettlebell will sit on the floor, without rolling over.

Thank you for the good service and supply of a great product that will
provide a lifetime of training ahead! I will certainly be looking for
more items from you in the future, until then have a great Christmas and
new year.

Chris Williams


Hi Stan, found the UKKA web site this morning and decided to have a blast at
your 20/20 routine that was described there. Absolutely superb workout. My
technique was a bit sorry towards the last quarter but definitely gave me
something to aim for in future.
Really enjoyed my kettlebell over the last few months and it has been a new
lease of life into my training.
My wife thinks i'm bonkers though. Everytime she looks at me i'm walking
about the house with the KB!!
Stephen Mann

Hi Stan and Sue,
Just a quick note to thank you for the championship set of 'bells and
the gripper block, which has found a place with my existing 16 and 25
Kg bells. As usual, the finished articles are superbly crafted. I
love using these, and I love the look on my students' faces as they
huff and puff and turn various shades of purple and blue. However, I
have to say that with kettlebells, a grimace is always replaced with
a grin.

Best Wishes,

Hey Stan,

Thank you so much for the DVD. It was brilliant. Very inspiring. I watched the whole thing straight through and watching your and your wife having so much fun will the bells made me quit my "rest day" and get out into the garden to chuck the bell around a bit. It was great watching you toy around with the 35k and having the missus on there was genius. This is great as I wanted to get my Mum into the Kbs and watching you chuck around a 35k might not have convinced her, but having a lady on there I think she will be convinced!!!

The tips came in really handy and my C&J is getting neater with every rep however my snatch is still quite crusty...Im working at it! The windmill is awesome!! That really shocked me, gonna keep plugging away at that. And what can I say Mrs Pike with a bottoms up press into windmill....... I dare not try that yet.....unless I want to be eating kb. Did you ever end up making a vid with advanced techniques? Trying to pick up the juggling and keep pushing the bell away from me......ahhhhh in time and with perseverance I'll get there.

Also the outakes were brilliant. Really had me cracking up. You and your missus are a great couple, the wedgie moment was a classic!!!

All the best and speak to you soon

Sorry for the late reply but I was away for a few weeks.

Yes I have received the goods and all I can say is it is not a barbell, it is a work of art !! The quality is so high I am reluctant to actually use it...What is this fantastic blue finish , epoxy ?

As usual, you customer orientation, integrity and peerless craftsmanship did wonders...I actually have friends in Cockermouth (think it is not too far from where you are). Next time I visit them, I will make sure to come and shake your hand...If you need any testimonial, let me know...

Thanks again,

Very best regards,

Dear Stan,
I just wanted to write and say how pleased i am with the Bearclubs you sent me. As with the kettlebells i received from you in the past the workmanship and service you provide is excellent.
Thank you again,

Richard Chignell.


Dear Stan and Sue.

My name is Steve Kenny from Liverpool, England. I recently ordered and received from you a 20kg cast kettlebell and your training DVD.

I'm writing simply to say thank you and for a few reasons.

Firstly, the products are superb. The kettlebell caused quite a stir when it arrived at my parents address. You can guess at some of the choice comments made when my dad lifted the parcel into the hall from the delivery van !

After watching the DVD (which is set perfectly - more later) I tried a few gentle routines and was ready for the knackers yard after five minutes. I think in your Kettlebells, I've found a supreme conditioning tool and long may it last.

The DVD as I mentioned earlier, is set brilliantly. The pace of the video, the focus on detail when explaining the drills, and the care and attention paid to proper form are second to none. Kettlebell drills are not for the faint of heart, I know that much already, so how great it is to be taken professionally through the movements through the DVD.

Stan, Sue, thank you so much for a brilliant transaction too, I can only wish that some of the bigger companies had your care and attention to customer satisfaction throughout the enquiry and ordering process.

I hope you continue to go from strength to strength, I will be recommending your website and products to anybody I know in the future as the best way forward to strength and better health.

Best regards,

Steve Kenny
Liverpool, England

Hi. I just wanted to say thanks to you and your wife sue for the prompt and
friendly service. The dvd is excellent, i've watched it abt 10 times
already, and the armblaster is great too, you were right about it being hard
to lift heavyish weights with it...




Safe and effective Kettlebell training Level 1 with Stan Pike
DVD Quote -

Stan Pike accompanied by his lovely wife Sue, breakdown the core foundation level 1 exercises for essential Kettlebell training. Showing that Kettlebell training is not just for the big and strong. But also for any strength and size, male or female.

With excellent slow-motion shots that clearly show the full movement of the whole body.

This DVD is a must for anyone wishing to excel in Kettlebell training and I highly recommend it.

Anthony Rushton
Martial Art Instructor


Comments from Chris Webb renowned Personal Trainer - London, Following the one day seminar held by stan pike: "For 15 years I have been involved with the health and fitness industry competing at international level in martial arts and running the largest personal training company in europe 'Get motivated' I found Stan's concise and direct methods to teaching left me with a firm understanding of the basic knowledge of Kettlebells. Since the one day training course I have transformed not only my training routine but fitness levels too! I have over the years trained with world class athletes at all levels and have no doubts Stan is in a class of his own.. "

Cheers mate, look forward to seeing you soon



'Hi Stan, Just wanted you to know that I have received my Kettlebell from you and it's just great. I won't hesitate to order more from you soon.'

Regards Gary Bradshaw in Burnley, Lancashire

Harry Cook, Leading British Karate Teacher says:

Kettlebellsare the single most useful training tool for building power I have ever used.


Greetings Folks
just a quick note of thanks from every aching muscle fiber in my body, the bear clubs are a true training investment.
thanks again


Just a quick note to let you know that I received the Kettlebells on Friday, and think they are absolutely fantastic.
I opened the packaging like a 7 yr old on Christmas day, and stated loudly to the wife that it was the most gorgeous thing I had ever seen, ( a hard stare followed and I corrected myself to the second most gorgeous thing !!! )
They really are a work of art stan, I immediately had a play with the 16k and managed 10 snatches left and right, it felt really good.
Took a bit of getting used to compared to a dumbbell, and my wrists are feeling it a bit today, but I really like the feel of the movement.
I have already completed 10 reps left and right on a slow curl and press, swings 25 each hand to upright ( but not flicked over ) , and 10 left and right with the full flick.
I have held the bells upright in the air for 30secs each hand,
It would be great if you could send me the training booklet that you spoke of, I would also be very interested in the seminars and comps in the near future, I would especially be interested in the London or Birmingham area.
I have also got a training partner who is interested, and I have started 2 of my female trainees on the 4.5kg, to good response.
I will give you a buzz in a couple of days.
many thanks

Dear Stan,
Just to let you know that I am getting on very well with the KB
- these things are brilliant - it is fun to use! Have got to grips with the
snatch now and have added a few exercises of my own. Are there any other
KB-specific exercises you would recommend? Will definitely be after another
10Kg and/or a bigger one in two or three month's time.
Best Wishes,



It arrived on Friday, and I've played with it all weekend. Good stuff!
Also, apart from being a good fitness tool it looks great. My wife thinks
as an object it looks fantastic, and as it's hollow its size looks very
impressive. The one thing I would say about your website is that it does
not show off how good they look in real life. I know that as a training
implement people shouldn't care about how it looks but my wife does!
I'm sure you would sell more if you showed how good they look.
All the best

Adrian Wills


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