Intensefitness Kettlebell Workshops and Seminars in Europe and the UK

Kettlebell Workshops 2007

A unique opportunity to train with The Three top UKKA Instructors at Milton Keynes.

Certified Level I Instructors Course

and Beginers Seminar.

Another to be anounced shortly


Please note that kettlebell workshops are also suitable for women.

The 6kg and 8kg Kettlebells are designed particularly for women, and will be available to train with during the workshop. Women who have already trained with the lighter KB's report significant strengthening, toning and fat loss.

  • Get really, really fit and increase you strength, stamina and endurance.
  • Own the single best 'back-to-basics, all-over-body-conditioning tool' that will benefit your sport, be it as extreme as kickboxing or get the competitive edge in football.
  • Watch in amazement as high-rep Kettlebells help you loss the fat off your body safely.
  • Tune your body with high-rep swings,snatches and cleans.
  • Develop stronger tendons and ligaments


  • How to use your kettlebell with maximum safety and in the shortest amount of time
  • How to properly use high tension techniques to maximum effect.
  • How to custom design effective and time efficient kettlebell workouts that will make you keep on gaining while never getting bored of your workouts.
  • How to integrate kettlebell training with other types of athletic training.

Introductory Course cover:

Course Contents: (duration about 3hours)

Warm ups and stretches.

Correct positioning to achieve Swing, Cleans, & Snatch & isolation drills.


If you are interested in a Seminar please register your interest on the form here


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