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Free Intensefitness Kettlebell Movies

Intensefitness have put together some of the basic moves which are used with Kettlebells. These clips are from workshops we have ran around the UK.

These files are by no means a substitute for kettlebell workshops, you must attend a workshop to receive the maximum benefit from your kettlebell. These movies should be viewed as a rough idea of what to do with your kettlebell and as an accompaniment to the kettlebell workshops run by us.

You will need to download the latest version of RealOne Player for .rm movies files and Windows Media Player for .mpeg and .wmv movies files. (Just click the links above and we will take you there to get these media players, then after you have installed the media players on your computer, you can simply right click the film reel and select 'SaveTarget As' to download the movie to your computer.)

Please be patient when downloading as some of these files are 4Mb in size each and may take a few minutes to tranfer.

Please feel free to pass these movies on to your friends!

Basic Kettlebell Routines
Format Detail
The Swing .mpeg
The Swing .wmv 1mb
Hand & Forearm Conditioner .mpeg
Hand & Forearm Conditioner .wmv


The Clean .rm 10mb
The Clean .wmv 1.5mb
The Snatch .mpeg 35mb
The Snatch .wmv 7mb


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