The bars were held by two hands and weight was applied to the centre of the bar. The given weights below are at 90` unless stated
m/s = mild steel. b/s = bright steel..
10mm Round 10 inch m/s- A slight bend at 200k
8mm black round m/s8 inch- 308lbs
7 inch- 315lbs
6 inch- 330lbs
8mm b/s round 10 inch- 440lbs +
8 inch- 528lbs +
6mm bright steel round 7 inch-242lb
6 inch-264lb
6mm b/s round8 inch- 137lb
7 inch-165lb
6 inch-176lb
Ironmind™ bag of nails White-120lb
Carriage bolts from B&Q
M6 carriage bolt (15% threaded)-120lb
M8 carriage bolt (60% threaded)-264lb
4mm round from 1m drawn rod serial: 2001.61954 8 inch-50lb
7.5 inch-55lb
7 inch-65lb
6.5 inch-70lb
6 inch-75lb
5.5 inch-80lb
5 inch-85lb
5mm round from 1m drawn rod serial: 2001.61955
8 inch-100lb
7.5 inch-105lb
7 inch-110lb
6.5 inch-115lb
6 inch-120lb (ironmind white)
5.5 inch-135lb
5 inch-150lb (app. ironmind green-maybe slightly different steel)
5mmx5mm square from 1m drawn rod serial: 2001.61940 8 inch-120lb
7.5 inch-127lb
7 inch-135lb
6.5 inch-145lb
6 inch-155lb
M4 threaded round from 1m drawn rod serial: 2010.7161 8 inch-20lb
7.5 inch-25lb
7 inch-28lb
6.5 inch-32lb
6 inch-35lb
M8 threaded round from 1m drawn rod serial: 2010.7164 8 inch-220lb
7.5 inch-250lb
7 inch-280lb
6.5 inch-310lb
6 inch-340lb